Tent Embassy and Freedom Rides

Tent Embassy

Activity One - Video Clip

View the short clip below and then answer the following questions.

1. When was the Tent Embassy established?  (refer to textbook page 277, and pages 295-6)
2. What was the reason for the establishment of the Tent Embassy?
3. What is the focus of the Tent Embassy now?

Activity Two - Background Readings
1. Read the following article:
Background Data
2.Why were the Yirrkala people shocked?
3.What did the Prime Minister promise?
4. When did the government choose to announce that there would be no Aboriginal title to land?
5. Read the following page:
First Tent Embassy
6. What point of view is expressed in this article? (A Price on our Guilt)
7. What reason has been given for Mr McMahon's refusal?

Freedom Rides

Activity One - Source Analysis

1. Look carefully at each image and discuss what information can be gleaned from these primary sources?

Activity Two - Charles Perkins Views

View the youtube clip and then answer the following question.  What did Charles Perkins say was the purpose of the Freedom Rides?

Activity Three - Print Sources
Read the following article and summarise the main points that are being made.

Moree Newspaper Article

Activity Four - Readings
Read pages 287 - 291 of the textbook.
Read Pages 6 -11 in the booklet.
1. When were the Freedom Rides?
2. Who was involved?
3. Where did they go?
4. Why were the Freedom Rides significant?