Activity One - Video Viewing
You will view the Clickview video: White Australia has a Black History.
Ensure that you note the four policies: protectionism, assimilation, integration and self-determination.
Activity Two - Policy Research
In order to consolidate your knowledge on the policies you should complete the following tasks:
1. Use the glossary on page 279 of your textbook to define: protectionism, assimilation, integration and self-determination.
2. Read pages 280 - 284 in your textbook.
3. Complete the Check Your Historical Knowledge questions on page 284.
Activity Three - Source Analysis
Read the sources listed below and answer the relevant questions.
1. Read Source 6.1 and answer the two questions on page 281.
2. Read Source 6.2 and answer the three questions on page 284.
Activity Four - Source Analysis
Read the source and answer the following questions:
1. What is a sesqui-centenary?
2. What is meant by the heading: 'Day of Mourning and Protest'?
3. What was the significance of the date of this event?
Read pages 285 - 286 in your textbook.
4. What were four of the demands sent to Prime Minister Lyons?