Stolen Generation

When studying the Stolen Generation you will need to have a good understanding of the varying experiences of the aborigines who were taken from their families.

Activity One - Initial Information

Answer the following questions in your exercise book.
1. What does the term 'Stolen Generation' mean?
2. Why were the Aboriginal children stolen?
3. Which children were taken?
4. Draw a map of NSW and note the institutions where Stolen Generation children were placed.
5. How many children were stolen?
6. When were the children stolen?

To assist you in answering these questions you should refer to:
A Guide to the Stolen Generation

Your History Textbook pages 300 - 304

Activity Two - Timeline
Use the information in the Stolen Generation Timeline to answer the following questions:
1. What happened in 1915?
2. When was the Bringing Them Home Report published?
3. What were the key findings of this report?
4. When did the Australian Parliament apologise the the Stolen Generation?

To assist you in answering these questions you should refer to:
Stolen Generation Timeline

Activity Three - Video Clips

Video Clip 1

View the short video clip. 
1. What points are being made about the Stolen Generation?
2. Do you agree with the comment made by former Prime Minister Howard?  Explain your answer.

Video Clip 2
View the short video clip.  
1.What additional information does this clip convey about the Stolen Generation?
2. Would you consider this clip to be emotive or objective?  Justify your response.

Video Clip 3
View the short video clip. 
1.  Who is speaking in this clip?
2. What is his message?
3. What was the significance of this speech?
4. How does it differ from Prime Minister Howard's statement in Video Clip 1?

Activity Four - In class viewing of a Stolen Generation Documentary
You will view the documentary in class.   You will be expected to answer the questions listed in your Aborigines Booklet.

Activity Five - Case Studies
1. Go to the website listed below and select two - four case studies to read.
2. Write a paragraph summary in your exercise book about the experiences of each person you selected.
3. What general message is coming through in each of these articles?

Stolen Generation Case Studies

Extension Activity
1. Write a short feature article on the experiences of the Stolen Generation.
2. Create your own photo essay or imovie on the Stolen Generation.