Land Rights and Native Title

Activity One
Listen to the following clip entitled 'From Little Things Big Things Grow' and then answer the following questions.

1. Who wrote the song?
2. What is the song about?

Activity Two
3. Vincent Lingiari is mentioned in this song.  Read the following notes, at the link provided below, and then answer the questions that follow.
Vincent Lingiari and Wave Hill StrikeWho was Vincent Lingiari?

  • When did the Wave Hill Strike begin?
  • What did Lingiari ask for?
  • What did this strike eventually symbolise for the aboriginal people?
  • What did Lingiari want from the Governor- General?
  • What was the outcome of this event?
4. Study the two images below.

Who are the two people in this image supposed to be?
What is happening?

Activity Three
1. Read page 296 in your History textbook.   What was the Woodward Royal Commission? What recommendations were made?

2. View the clip below.

  • Who was Eddie Koiko Mabo?
  • Why did he think that he owned land on the Murray Islands?
  • What was happening on the Northern Territory?
  • Why did this event lead to the creation of the Tent Embassy?What is terra nulls?
3. Read the following summary and then answer the following questions.
Mabo Case Summary

  • When did Mabo begin his request for Native Title?
  • When did the High Court make a ruling?  What was the outcome?
  • What was the significance of this decision?

3. View the clip below.

  • What was the High Court Decision?
  • What impression did you get of how White Australians responded to the High Court decision?
  • What is Native Title?  When was the legislation passed?
Activity Four
1. Read page 300 in your textbook.  When was The Wik decision?
2. What was the Wik decision?